I am thrilled to unveil my 8 CD set of yoga classes and lectures on the chakras, the mind-body connection, developmental psychology, energetic anatomy, and 21st Century Spirituality!
These recordings come from the 6th incarnation of my long running and often sold-out Yoga and the Chakras workshop series that I have taught around America since 2000.
Included in the package is something I have developed called the Transformational Self-Map (TSM). This is a 4 quadrant-type diagram of an Integral approach to body-mind transformation. Using the observation that both body and mind have a depth component and a surface component, the TSM is an assessment tool that identifies elements,and issues in the depth and surface Mind realms of Psyche (Heart & Soul) and Mental Development (Mind & Spirit) and the depth and surface Body realms of Chemistry (Blood & Guts) and Physical Structure (Muscle & Bone) – and then suggests practices like (amongst others) yoga, bodywork, psychotherapy, organ cleansing, and various approaches to meditation to help address issues and develop deepening capacities.
The lectures use the chakra system as a map of psychospiritual development from prerational to rational to transrational, and talk about the important aspects of self that are focused on at each chakra stage, as well as the pitfalls and misconceptions that are common in the spiritual community about key issues like ego-strength vs ego-defense, compassion vs codependence, sexuality, anger, critical thinking, insight vs belief, and the relationship between self-actualization and self-transcendence.
At each chakra we also layer in a completely unique perspective on energetic anatomy, identifying key “high-charge” muscles that relate to the energetic/emotional conflicts. Working with these high-charge muscles through yoga and hands-o bodywork allows access to an experiential doorway into deep transformational process that culminates in energetic initiation and an ecstatic experience of embodied spirit.
In my classes, workshops and retreats, the Open Sky approach integrates this theoretical model with deeply experiential practice via tailor-made yoga, bodywork, ecstatic dance and dialog. Each of the four lecture CDs is paired with a yoga practice session that is un experiential unpacking of the psychospiritual themes and energetic anatomy from the lecture.
Radical Transformation is designed to be useful for yoga students who want to deepen their practice and understanding, yoga teachers who are interested in a contemporary approach to mind-body psychology, psychotherapists who want to include a body component in their model, intellectuals who are interested in the Integral model and want to engage in a transformational body practice that applies these insights, bodyworkers who want a introduction to Open Sky Bodywork and want to begin developing both mind-body assessment tools and a deepening physical and psychological understanding of common pain syndromes like low-back pain, neck pain, Sciatica, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and TMJD.
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